QOwnNotes(跨平台笔记应用程序) v24.9.7 中文绿色版

QOwnNotes 是一款功能强大的跨平台笔记应用程序,可以帮助用户轻松管理笔记、任务和清单。

QOwnNotes(跨平台笔记应用程序) v24.5.1 中文绿色版


1.支持多种编辑器:支持 Markdown、Html、和其它多种文本编辑器; 2.易于搜索:可设置快捷键进行搜索,支持正则表达式搜索; 3.多个账户:可以管理多个账户,并可以自定义设置; 4.可定义笔记标签:可以使用标签来组织笔记,方便查找; 5.全文搜索:支持全文搜索,可以在整个笔记库中搜索文本; 6.数据同步:可以通过多种方式进行数据同步,包括 Dropbox、Nextcloud 等; 7.导出功能:可以通过 PDF、HTML 等格式导出笔记。


24.9.7 Reading from settings will now be cached in memory to possible speed up the application, hopefully not causing any regressions (for #3027) The QOwnNotes API https://api.qownnotes.org got migrated to PHP 8.2, Symfony 6.4 and API Platform 3.3 for more speed and to be more future-proof (for #11) The QOwnNotesAPI Nextcloud app was enabled and tested app for Nextcloud 30 (for #49) There were troubles with the version API that didn’t always happen when trying to access the versions of a file: Call to a member function getOwner() on null in file ‘/var/www/html/lib/private/Files/Filesystem.php’ line 728 It’s unclear why this happens, but it seems to be a problem with the Nextcloud server and not the app


